Even though the bails of hay and the sprinkler pipe is right there in the foreground I tried to capture the red barn as the main subject of the photographs. Ever time I look at these pictures the red barn is what my eye is drawn to every time. I would like to go back and take a series of photographs of the red barn with the bails of hay in the field, and it is on my long list of different photo projects.
The lesson that I learned from this photo adventure is that sometimes when we try to hard to get a landscape or nature photo just right we tend to miss out on other opportunities. No two pictures are going to be the same even if all the settings and placement of the tripod are the same. The light that we paint with will always be different from day to day, hour to hour, and minute by minute. This is a lesson that I have had to learn over and over again. My advise, and I should take this more often, is to just get out and do it. The one thing that I like most about taking landscape, cityscape, and nature photographs is that they are not staged or set up. You use your skills and knowledge of photography to make the best photographs that you can at that exact time in history.
Happy Shooting,
B.D. Young