Saturday, January 5, 2013

Army Wind Power and other things

Tooele is home to a few notorious things such as the Deseret Chemical Depot, Dugway Proving Grounds (a.k.a. Area 52), and Energy Solutions just to name a few. A few years ago Tooele Army Depot became home to the one of the first wind turbines in the Army. At the time I remember reading in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin that it was the first in the United States Army to have one. Well that summer I went to Bauer Road which borders Tooele Army Depot and took several pictures of the wind mill. While I was there I also took some picture of some sunflowers, and the hills that are south of Bauer Road.

This is the windmill at Tooele Army Depot

The wind was blowing that day and I must have taken 20 or more pictures of the sunflowers along the side of the road. These are the best two. In the background you can see one that is blurred from the wind. I used a wide aperture with my telephoto lens so I could blur out the background. I think they are cool photos. 

The top picture is of the hills south of the depot and northwest of Stockton Utah. I was playing around with Photoshop and converted this to make it look like an oil painting. Personally I like the way it looks. 

I hope you all enjoy the pictures and please feel free to leave a comment or two. 


B.D. Young

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